The quality of service at the office is essential! It is in this spirit that our services have once again been recognized by the Tourism Quality Mark.
the Quality Tourism brand?

In order to always better receive you andimprove the quality of tourist services in France, the State has created the Qualité Tourisme™ brand. It is also the only state label awarded to tourism professionals for the quality of their welcome and their services.
To obtain the mark, the service provider must successfully follow a quality approach meets the essential requirements to your satisfaction. Also, to be a guarantee of confidence, the services are regularly subject to an unannounced and independent check. This sign of recognition allows you to choose with confidence tourist establishments that offer quality services.
As of October 15, 2021, nearly 5 establishments carry the Qualité Tourisme™ brand in France, including the Bandol tourist office.
our commitments for you

Because of this labeling, the Bandol tourist office, classified Category I, meets commitments fixed by decree:
- Be open at least 240 days a year, Saturday and Sunday inclusive during tourist or entertainment periods.
- Provide you with an easily accessible reception area and information area.
- Facilitate your procedures.
- Provide furniture for you to sit on.
- Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer.
- Offer you free access to WIFI.
- Display and disseminate our opening periods expressed in at least one foreign language.
- Respond to your mail all year round.
- Provide a permanent reception service run by staff speaking at least one foreign language.
- Ensure the supply of tourist maps, and guides on paper.
- Distribute our tourist information also on paper and translated into at least one foreign language relating to:
- Classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, email address, website address, telephone number, level of classification;
- Monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites, which may include an indication of usage rates, periods and opening hours to the public, the website and telephone and postal coordinates;
- Events and animations;
- Emergency telephone numbers.
- Update our tourist information annually.
- Post emergency telephone numbers outside.
- Process any complaints and measure visitor satisfaction.
- Respect a quality approach.
- Provide you with a stay advisor.
- Guarantee the topicality and reliability of information on the local tourist offer.
To find out more, we invite you to consult our welcome charter accessible below:
your opinion interests us

Also, in the spirit of improving our services, your opinions are very important to us. Therefore, we would like collect your opinion via our online survey, available below. Please know that all your answers will be kept confidential.
We thank you in advance for giving us a few minutes of your time and for clicking here: