Zoom sur nos voisins : visite d’Évenos


Focus on our neighbors: visit to Évenos

Posted on 11.02.2025
If we say castle, peony and climbing in the Var, what do you think of? Different cities? Several different spots scattered throughout the department? Well no, you are completely wrong. These three treasures of culture and nature are all found in the same place, in the same village, […]

Zoom sur nos voisins : visite de Signes


Focus on our neighbors: visit to Signes

Posted on 27.01.2025
Today, we are going to tell you about a small town in the Var that is still too little known for our taste. Located only thirty minutes from our beautiful port of Bandol, it welcomes you all year round, both locals and holidaymakers, to transport you to the Provence of yesteryear. Head for a village combining nature, heritage and crafts, […]

Visiter Bandol en décembre


Visit Bandol in December

Posted on 1.01.2025
The year 2024 has just ended and with it the month of December. Month of celebrations, month of light, month of magic, December is not to be outdone in Bandol! Discover what your next vacation with us could look like. ✅ Tip: if you are looking for a region where December rhymes with sun […]

Visiter Bandol en hiver


Visit Bandol in winter

Posted on 26.12.2024
There's no denying it, winter is well and truly here. But that's no reason to rush to the ski resorts and forget about the coast, quite the contrary. The Var sun and our sumptuous landscapes are still there and welcome you with open arms! And to prove it to you, […]

Visiter Bandol en novembre


Visit Bandol in November

Posted on 1.12.2024
Another great month has just ended in our city. If you weren't there, here are some photos that might make you fall in love with your next vacation. 🔥 Want more? Subscribe to our Instagram account @bandoltourismeofficiel! And if you take photos, don't hesitate to tag us with #bandol or #bandoltourisme. We will share your best shots on our social networks […]

Que faire à Bandol quand il pleut ?


What to do in Bandol when it rains?

Posted on 23.10.2024
To tell you the truth, we are writing these few lines to you in the rain! By telling us, but, how will visitors to our dear city find something to brighten up these gloomy days? Well, don't move, we tell you everything! A feast for the eyes… Because when it rains, it […]