Between trees typical of our coasts and colorful flowers from here, here is a small non-exhaustive list of the beautiful plants that you can find in Bandol.
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the Tourist Office

They are thorny climbing shrubs with bright colors. What we generally take for flowers, or the petals of flowers, very colorful, are not. It is actually about bracts located at the end of the branches. The flowers are small and white, and are found between the bracts.
These plants are native to the tropical rainforests of South America and are widely used as ornamentals even in warm temperate regions.
Casino Beach

Phoenix canariensis, better known as “False date palm” or “Canary palm”, is a palm tree with a very graphic silhouette that can reach 15 meters in height.
In its young age, especially when pruned, it looks a bit like a pineapple with its stipe showing the old leaf marks and its top tuft formed by its palms with opposite linear leaves. These can measure up to 5 meters in length forming a splendid crown.
The one opposite is two-headed. There are very few in the world.
Charles de Gaulle quay
Jacaranda is a deciduous tropical tree whose port is spread out and whose particularity is its extremely spectacular blue flowering.
Panicles of 20-30 cm are formed on leafless branches, in April until June.
The flowers resemble those of foxgloves, tubular, in narrow bells, with five lobes. After flowering, fruits in the form of woody pods and rounded appear.

Charles de Gaulle quay

Schinus molle, commonly known as "false pepper" or "wild pepper", is a species of tree in the family Anacardiaceae native to South America. Its finely divided leaves are evergreen. Crumpled, they give off a strong smell of pepper. Its port is hanging down, its silhouette recalls that of the Weeping Willow.
In spring appear clusters of small creamy-white flowers, followed in the fall by dried fruits, similar to bunches of grapes or peppercorns, pink in color when ripe.
Charles de Gaulle quay
Lagunaria patersonii is a small tree that grows up to 10–15 m in height. In sheltered places it has a slender pyramidal habit, but it is able to grow in windswept coastal localities where it develops contorted forms.
The foliage is evergreen. The leaves, 5 to 10 cm long, are thick, oval, olive-green in color. The underside is hairy, gray when the leaf is young, turning grey-green.

Charles de Gaulle quay

Paulownia is a genus of trees, the paulownias, of the Paulowniaceae family, which are native to China and Korea.
This species is mainly used for its wood, to stabilize the soil or provide fodder, but also as an ornamental tree, in particular the species commonly called paulownia: Paulownia tomentosa.
The Paulownia is also nicknamed "imperial tree".
Kapok tree
Charles de Gaulle quay
Also called cheese tree, lovers' tree or Kapokier, the kapok tree (Ceiba pentandra) is a very large, fast-growing tropical tree that can be over a century old.
Its thorny trunk is first erect before spreading out. However the gray bark is smooth around the spines. In the forests of Africa it overhangs the canopy.

Charles de Gaulle quay

The tree can live between 120 and 150 years and measure up to 25 meters high. Its irregular, spreading and oval crown bears foliage with a light cover reminiscent of that of the Robinia false-acacia, but finer and clearer.
Those are tall, thorny, deciduous trees. The trunk and the branches are furnished with very sharp thorns of the tripartite type and of a shiny brown color, which can reach 6 to 9 cm. There are spineless or spineless varieties.
mulberry plane tree
Charles de Gaulle quay
Morus australis, the mulberry with plane leaves or mulberry, is a species of dicotyledonous plant in the Moraceae family, native to Asia and introduced to Europe in the early XNUMXth century.
They are shrubs or small trees often used as ornamental and alignment trees.

Charles de Gaulle quay

Tipuana tipu or Pink stick or Tipa is a species in the family Fabaceae of the subfamily Faboideae. The genus Tipuana is monotypic.
The Tipuana tipu is native to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
umbrella pine
Charles de Gaulle quay
The umbrella pine or pinion pine is a species of coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family.
Present in the Mediterranean basin, the tree, when it is mature, is recognizable by its characteristic port evoking a deployed parasol. It is also differentiated by its red and wide bark.
its seed, pine nuts are often used in baking.

Rue des écoles, on the town hall square

Albizia is a botanical genus of about 150 species fast-growing tropical or subtropical small trees and shrubs.
It belongs to the Mimosaceae family according to the classical classification, or to that of the Fabaceae, subfamily of the Mimosoideae according to the phylogenetic classification.
Charles de Gaulle quay
The Camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) is a fast growing tree whose on gets an essential oil by distillation of the foliage and young twigs.
This oil containing camphor is marketed under the name of Ravintsara.

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