The Boursoufle, Alycastre, Port d'Alon cases… do these names of novels ring a bell? This is the detective trilogy of the talented Jean-Marie Schneider. And for 2023, the author returns with a new book.

a multifaceted author

Original Marseillais, adopted Bandolais, Jean-Marie Schneider is the historian of Bandol. Notably known for having achieved the historical route, you must have seen it in our many videos on the subject. To jog your memory, here's one:

Well, this man from the South also has the talent for writing which he uses in the elaboration of detective novels. Its trademark: a unique Mediterranean flavor.

novels larger than life

It is not a novel, but a trilogy that he offers to begin with. Each of his works, already known to the general public, has a plot that takes place in one of the key places in the territory: the calanque of Port d'Alon, the city of Marseille and of course Bandol.

As for his last novel, just released in March 2023, Marseille 67, the action moves to its hometown, at the heart of organized crime.

Interesting stories to read at home, on your sofa, or on the beach while sunbathing in Bandol!


  • The Alycastre affair: €18.
  • The Boursoufle affair: €20.
  • The Port d'Alon affair: €22 (adapted by France 3 for its TV film “Le Sang des Îles d'Or”).
  • Marseille 67: €20 (2023 Marseillais Prize / nominated for the 2024 “Bishopric Prize”).

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