Let yourself be carried away by the confidences of our devoted ambassadors who go out of their way to help you discover the art of living in Bandol, their tips, their favorites ...

Les activités enfants pour les vacances d’hiver à Bandol

Ideas for outings

Children's activities for the winter holidays in Bandol

Posted on 20.12.2024
When the beach and boat trips are limited, you may be short of ideas to keep the kids busy in Bandol in winter. But don't panic, we have something to boost your creativity! Here is a non-exhaustive list of courses and activities to keep your little ones busy. ⚡️ Lightning navigation: The animation of the office […]

Feux d’artifice de fin d’année à Bandol et ses alentours

Ideas for outings

End of year fireworks in Bandol and its surroundings

Posted on 15.12.2024
Ah December. The month of lights, the one where families gather around festive tables to spend a few moments of happiness together. The favorite time of year for children and their idol, Santa Claus. And if you're going to look up at the sky while waiting for him, you might as well admire a superb spectacle of […]

Noël à Bandol : où dénicher les 13 desserts ?

Everyday life

Christmas in Bandol: where to find the 13 desserts?

Posted on 9.12.2024
The 13 desserts adorn the Bandol and Provençal tables of the Var every year. And because to be totally in line with a regional tradition, it is still better to consume locally, here is our guide to good addresses where to buy your precious products. Enough to spend a gourmet Christmas and made in Bandol! ⚡️ Summary […]

Où déjeuner / dîner pour le réveillon à Bandol ?

Ideas for outings

Where to have lunch/dinner for New Year’s Eve in Bandol?

Posted on 2.12.2024
Here is a non-exhaustive list of restaurants that will be open for Christmas Eve and/or New Year's Eve in Bandol. A sort of anthology, so that you don't have to run around in all directions to find a good address. A word of advice: remember to book! 💡 To find out their menu, don't hesitate […]

Visiter Bandol en novembre


Visit Bandol in November

Posted on 1.12.2024
Another great month has just ended in our city. If you weren't there, here are some photos that might make you fall in love with your next vacation. 🔥 Want more? Subscribe to our Instagram account @bandoltourismeofficiel! And if you take photos, don't hesitate to tag us with #bandol or #bandoltourisme. We will share your best shots on our social networks […]

Les marchés de Noël à Bandol et ses alentours

Ideas for outings

Christmas markets in Bandol and its surroundings

Posted on 18.11.2024
Who says end of year also says "Christmas market"! Here is a selection of places to live that you can find in Bandol and its surroundings. Just a chance to drink a little mulled wine with friends.




A former vacationer from this beautiful region, I realized one of my biggest dreams a few years ago: to settle there. I share with you the Bandol that I fell in love with.
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Being born and living in the land of vacation is a chance. Sharing this place while preserving it is a commitment. Put down your suitcases and your keys, happiness is just a step away ...
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Born in Bandol, after a few trips I returned to my first love, my city. My ambition: to make you discover the most beautiful place in the world, Bandol of course.
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