Let yourself be carried away by the confidences of our devoted ambassadors who go out of their way to help you discover the art of living in Bandol, their tips, their favorites ...

Bye bye Bendor

Everyday life

Bye bye Bendor

Posted on 1.11.2021
It is with a little pang in our hearts that we write these lines. Yes, we know that if our beautiful island closes, it is to come back better. But still. The dreaded moment has arrived. On October 31, 2021, the island of Bendor plunged into a deep sleep from which it will only wake up in 5 […]

Fishipedia, le wikipedia de la mer


Fishipedia, the wikipedia of the sea

Posted on 21.10.2021
Learn more about the seabed and prepare for your next snorkelling trip with this new online encyclopedia. A story of Fishipedia enthusiasts, it is the idea of ​​2 developers, Benoit Chartrer and Yuhei Nakata, both passionate about marine life. Their idea was to create an encyclopedic social network dedicated to fish and […]

Le foil : la nouvelle tendance adoptée par la SNB !

Tested out for you

The foil: the new trend adopted by the SNB!

Posted on 10.07.2021
Do you know the foils? Those wings placed under a boat or a board that allow you to fly on water? Well, the Société Nautique de Bandol has equipped itself with the latest two innovations in the field… and we had the pleasure of testing them for you! introduction When […]

320 jours de soleil par an


320 days of sunshine per year

Posted on 2.07.2021
It is with a mixture of pride and shyness that we exclusively unveil the new Bandol visual, our new symbol. Behind this drawing of the setting sun, hides a very beautiful story, Bandolese of course, that we invite you to discover… under the sun of Bandol 320 days of sunshine by […]

Mon baptême de plongée à Bandol

Tested out for you

My first dive in Bandol

Posted on 29.06.2021
Célia, Mélanie and myself (Kelly), had the chance to test for you, the first dive with Manta Club. The opportunity to test and share with you this unique experience ... Spoiler: it was too good! Arrival at the club To be honest, diving scared me a bit. Maybe my side […]

Tôle de mer


Sea sheet

Posted on 3.06.2021
For the past few days, the tourist office has been transformed into an exhibition hall with sculptures as original as they are sublime. An atypical story The inventor of these creations is Pierre Dupré, the director of Cap des Palmes in Bandol. You've probably seen her magnificent rig in the bay. Well, in addition to being a sailor […]




A former vacationer from this beautiful region, I realized one of my biggest dreams a few years ago: to settle there. I share with you the Bandol that I fell in love with.
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Being born and living in the land of vacation is a chance. Sharing this place while preserving it is a commitment. Put down your suitcases and your keys, happiness is just a step away ...
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Born in Bandol, after a few trips I returned to my first love, my city. My ambition: to make you discover the most beautiful place in the world, Bandol of course.
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