The weekend of September 21 and 22, 2024, French heritage will be in the spotlight. For the occasion, history enthusiasts from Bandol and elsewhere are coming together to offer you special events. A way to go back in time to return to the roots of our beautiful territory.
The program of the European Heritage Days in Bandol

Saturday, September 21
- De 9 p.m. to 30 p.m. at the Saint-François de Sales church: historical and artistic tour of the church by Jean-Marie Schneider (historian and writer).
- À 10:30 am at the port of Bandol: immediate boarding in pointus. Guided tour with Dominique Chabot (president of the Pointus de Bandol association), Jean Grillon and the volunteer crew of the Pointus de Bandol. Registration at 06 47 94 61 96. Places limited to 20 people.
OR if the weather does not allow boarding…
- À 10:30 am at the Maison Tholosan (Mozart room, 1st floor): conference on pointus and the history of the port by volunteers from the Pointus de Bandol association, and presentation of the short film The Development of the Port and the Large Jetty.
- De 14 a.m. to 15 p.m. at the Maison Tholosan (Pagnol room): “Bandol in 1793: the terrible year”, by Alain Vignal, professor and doctor of History.
- De 15 a.m. to 16 p.m. at the Maison Tholosan (Pagnol room): “Document from advisor Gérard: transcription of a text from 1634”, by Jean-Marie Schneider, historian and writer.
- De 16 a.m. to 17 p.m. at the Maison Tholosan (Pagnol room): “Joseph Vernet on the Provençal coast: the Madrague of the lords of Bandol”, by Frédéric d'Agay, vice-president of the Historical Federation of Provence.
- De 17 a.m. to 18 p.m. at the Maison Tholosan (Pagnol room): “Three famous Anglo-Saxons in Bandol”, by Jean Grillon, interested in Bandol and its history.
Sunday 22 September
De 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 16 p.m. to 30 p.m. at the tourist office: presentation of short films produced by the tourist office with the participation of Jean-Marie Schneider.
The historical route of Bandol
The small streets and narrow staircases of Bandol hold secrets. Anecdotes and significant facts that have crossed the ages and that have made our city what it is today. To lift the mystery on all these treasures and to (re)discover our Bandol differently, a historical route has been put in place.
Thus, the tourist office, in collaboration with the Bandol historian Jean-Marie Schneider, have together produced several short films. Each of them takes place at a place important to the city's history. In them, Mr. Schneider passionately recounts both important events and celebrity anecdotes.
A great walk in the past of our territory that you can do just as well from your sofa by browsing our dedicated page, than directly on site, thanks to the beacons dotted around the streets of the city center. To find out more, click here:
The surrounding area program
So that you don't have to run all over the place to find out what's on in our region, find below all the heritage events in the immediate surroundings of Bandol... It's a gift, it's for us!
📌 Good to know : to not miss any dates of the Bandol events, head to our agenda. Here, you can find cultural events as well as gourmet festivities or sports competitions. So, a word of advice, add this page to your favorites!